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  • Writer's pictureElisa Castro

The Last One

Similar to the final episode of Friends, this will be my final blog post.

Unless there's a reunion special or they reboot it. Typical Hollywood.

I am proud of how little I remember about the textbook information that was supposedly taught to me. I'm joking,


I find it funny how I remember a lot of the projects and praise throughout my PLTW career that let my artistic abilities shine in a class designed for and full of left-brain-thinkers. Through these experiences, I have determined I don't just use one side of my brain (like most people apparently) or maybe I just use the middle of my brain. Who knows?

I am a real life renaissance bench!

(sorry for my language I'm feeling very enthusiastic. I tried to keep it PG)

But I am unsure what I am MOST proud of.

I can't pick just one thing to be proud of because I am proud of all that I have been able to contribute to: my knowledge, my skills, my classmates, my group-mates, my fellow women in STEM... everything and everyone!

I feel honored for being selected in middle school even though I was told by several of my teachers that I would get in for being a token girl. I was a girl who didn't know much about STEM but who loved 3D modeling in Inventor and CAD and drawing on isometric paper. But now, I am a woman. A woman in STEM who still loves doing those things and has designed hoodies for teachers and classmates as well as organize other events; who can read binary and hexadecimal, who can shorten a URL, and who knows that it's very hard to get a virus on an iPhone. I know, that's some great and useful information I have acquired.

I'm proud for trying my best because that's really all you can do when unexpected things happen like two of your teachers going on medical leave and having a class taught on zoom that mostly contained in-person instruction material. And I'd like to thank the people who supported me in trying my best and who also tried their best.

Advice for the PLTW babies

Don't be afraid to ask for help from your peers they are incredible and smart human beings who might know what they are doing; if they don't then you can learn what the hejck you're supposed to do together.

Be productive with your class time so you can sleep when you get home. You will need it.

Ms. Snyder likes kids that do their job well and offer support with other projects. And she likes cats and probably Italian food. The good kind, not the cheap kind. Use that to your will.

Turn in your work before the deadline in case you need to go back and fix it so you can still get full credit before the deadline. Good grades come to those who do satisfactory and on-time work.

Now if I'm going out, I'm going out on top like Breaking Bad.

Peace out B-)

Elisa, we out *mic drop*

*// awkwardly picks it back up and offers to pay for the damages and flees the scene//*

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